
Friday, July 28, 2006

I've been doing some freelance flash work, so I haven't sketched much this past week. But I did do this last night around 2 am, dead tired. My DSL was down for about 24 hours, and boy I didn't realize how much I'd miss it. I'm heading to Siggraph Boston for a few days, so I'll post more when I return.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Shady Characters

The opening reception for Shady Characters, a group show of East and West Coast animation talent, is this Friday July 28th. Come out to the Live With Animals Gallery at 210 Kent Avenue, Brooklyn, NY. 11211 from 6-9 PM. Jared Deal one of my co-workers from Funny Garbage is curating it and a lot of other awesome artists will be displaying their work there. Should be a fun time!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Bronx Zoo sketches

There's also some photos I took here


Check out a cool animation related podcast an old co-worker of mine has put together. It's called AVDJ. So far Scott Dodson has interviewed David Levy, president of Asifa-East and Casey Safron, creator of the Animation Block Party Festival among others. Good listenin' while drawin'.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Sketches from a show

I saw Lifetime play the Bowery last night. I'm glad more girls are into hardcore, but the look of the scene has also changed. I can't imagine wearing a skirt to a show.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Upstate Sketchcrawl and North Carolina

For Worldwide Sketchcrawl #10 this past weekend, I was at a rehearsal dinner in upstate NY. This is the page I did while watching my friends practice walking up the hill.

I also traveled to North Carolina with my boyfriend's family this week. Here are my sketches from the 11 hour ride home yesterday.

wedding watercolor

Two of my art school friends got married to each other this past weekend. I was actually both of their roommates at some point during my sva years. I painted up this watercolor card for them.

Monday, July 03, 2006


This is a background for a flash sketch I started featuring figures from Celtic stories. I'm not happy with the actual character yet, but thought I'd show you what I've been working on.