
Saturday, September 29, 2007

Storm King field

Another watercolor from the Storm King trip. This field was near the Andy Goldsworthy wall.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Ottawa sketches

Some sketches done between screenings at the NAC. The start of my review is over here. And if you'd like to read about the Joanna Quinn retrospective and masterclass, that's here too.

EDIT: I finally finished loading my photo journaling of the festival as well!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

It's that time of year again...

Allan and I are heading to Canada tomorrow for the OTTAWA INTERNATIONAL ANIMATION FESTIVAL! Opening night we'll be watching the Persepolis film, I can't wait.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Preying Mantis

Praying Mantis' don't think much of weddings.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Storm King

Yesterday Allan and I drove up to the Storm King art center. It was our second visit so we found some time to sketch. I did this little 4"x6" watercolor study from a bench on top of a sculpture field. I was always a cold press paper person, but I'm liking this little pad of hot press.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Tek Jansen

If you check out the Colbert Report tonight on Comedy Central at 11:30, you may just catch the first episode of Tek Jansen's second season of animated adventures. The second season is animated at Flickerlab in New York, and I was brought on last minute to help with some cleanup and lip synch. There's some quality drawing even though it was a tight budget, mostly due to fellow SVA grad Simon Ampel and Phil Lockerby. There's also some sweet backgrounds by Max Porter and Bryan Cox. It may also be online in the coming days, and there will be a number of new episodes in the coming months to watch out for.

EDIT: It's also on Ifilm.

Luchador momentum

I watched Nacho Libre the other day and suddenly found myself sketching lots of luchadors!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Coney Island

Allan and I spent yesterday afternoon at Coney Island. I didn't really sketch, but I took a load of photos. Hope Astroland will still be around next season.