
Friday, February 22, 2008

The model last night was great

I think this was the best one of the night. I was just trying to push his proportions.

1 minute gestures:

I was using a dried out Pitt artist brush pen dipped in Brown India Ink. Aside from the constant dipping, it was fun.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Goodbye Grant

I found out yesterday that my once co-worker and generally great guy passed away about a month ago. Grant Sligh worked next to me at my first full time job and gave me countless tips on Flash in his Scottish accent. We both tended to arrive at work about half an hour after everyone else. He admonished me for never hearing of the Pogues. When he was buying his beloved scooter, he'd give me daily updates on which model he was looking at. He also gave me some priceless words on animation in New York part of which I actually included in a comic published last year in Not My Small Diary #13.

I picture him donning his helmet, getting onto his vespa and riding into the sunset wearing a three piece suit. Grant was one of a kind, and he'll be missed.

There's a celebration of Grant's life planned for Wednesday February 27th, 7:30 pm at Botanica 47 E. Houston (bet. Green and Mott St.) NYC
Won't you come by and lift a pint for him?

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Sketch a character from "The Office"

Pat Lewis started a brilliant Flickr pool for sketches of characters from "The Office." Here's my version of Gareth from the original series. Feel free to draw one and add it to the group!

Monday, February 04, 2008

Happy Birthday Evan!

My brother turns 21 today...and I painted this for him. It's a scene from Cape Cod where we used to vacation.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Friday, February 01, 2008

winter figure drawing

The model last night was good, but these were my best ones before they went downhill again.