
Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Goodness, it's been a while! Lots of freelancing in addition to recently moving have kept me busy and away from the blog. Hope everyone has a great holiday and a Happy New Year!

Saturday, November 08, 2008

back to life drawing

2-3 minute pose

5 minute pose

These were two of my favorites from this weeks session. The second one was done with my new brush pen from Kinokuniya!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

I'm off to the Festival of Ghouls tonight!

Monday, October 20, 2008

character doodles

Here's one of the pages I sketched this weekend. I'm nearing 200 posts on this blog! I hope it doesn't self destruct.

I received my copies of the Always Comix Activity Issue I was part of, very fun collection of art!

Also, Sketchcrawl #20 is this coming Saturday! Check out the forums to join a crawl in your area!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Animate the Vote!

Flickerlab (the studio I freelance for) and their sister company Moss have created a little political animation for the upcoming election. Check it out!

Monday, September 29, 2008

SPX this weekend

I won't be attending the Small Press Expo this weekend, but one of my comics is included in the Activity Issue of Always Comix. Here's a little preview panel for your viewing pleasure.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Richard Williams

Sorry about the lack of art posts lately, the archive of already scanned art has currently run dry. I've been pretty busy with freelance which I hope to show at some point. I did write up my thoughts on seeing animation legend Richard Williams at the MOMA on Monday, to tide you over.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Jungle BG layout

Here's a more finalized version of one of the previous thumbnails I did.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Rickett's Glen

Allan and I went hiking with my Mom and stepdad in PA this weekend. I have some nice childhood memories of Rickett's Glen, walking the trails near the waterfalls.

Photos are here.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Guest comic

I did a guest comic for "Nothing Better" by the talented Tyler Page. If you want to hear a story from my college swimming days, go check it out!

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Desert thumbnails

A few more layout thumbnails.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

BG thumbnails

Some thumbnails for a sequence cut from the next episode of Tek Jansen.

Saturday, July 19, 2008


A quick doodle in celebration of one of the best animated series on tv. The Avatar finale's tonight!

Monday, July 07, 2008

Summer Love

Allan and I went to the lovely wedding of one of my college suite-mates in PA this past weekend. This watercolor was part of their wedding gift.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Lazy summer afternoon

Allan and I walked through The Rambles in Central Park last Thursday and ended up near the boat pond. Not pictured; mother cleaning blue popscicle off of a sticky kid in the the water.

If you're in NYC, you should check out the J.C. Leyendecker Show at the Society of Illustrators. IT'S AMAZING AS WELL AS FREE!

Also, go check out Bill Cone's pastels from the Grand Canyon. THEY WILL BLOW YOUR MIND!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

guys in suits

Another Chipotle menu marker sketch done while watching The Colbert Report.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Worldwide Sketchcrawl #19 (Post 02)

After lunch at EJs Diner, we sketched some more around 81st St on the Great Lawn. We found a shady spot under a willow tree that I tried to capture in watercolors. It was great to meet all the new crawlers!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Worldwide Sketchcrawl #19 (post 01)

We met at Bethesda Terrace in Central Park yesterday for sketchcrawl. We had a great turnout, around 16 people. In addition to some people finding out about it at MoCCA, my friend Gina cross-posted info about it to her meetup group, so we had a number of new crawlers. It was a beautiful day and we moved over to the bandshell and skateboarders to find some shade.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Worldwide Sketchcrawl #19

If you're in NYC, join us in Central Park this Saturday June 21st. We'll be meeting at the Bethesda Fountain mid-park, near 72nd St. at 11:30 AM.

Check out the other sketchcrawl locations at

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Chipotle girl

Marker sketch on a Chipotle menu.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Preview pages of Urban Nomad

Back cover:

Since I didn't get a chance to post images from Urban Nomad pre-MoCCA, here's a sample page. The whole book contains nine stories (seven of which are BRAND NEW!) within its twenty pages. The front and back covers, content and bio pages are full color. I've added a Paypal button to the right, so you can check out the book for yourself for only 5 bucks which includes shipping, sketch and signature! Shipping to North America only for now.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


We had a great time at MoCCA despite the heat, the fire alarm and me misplacing my camera somewhere. So here's a photo from the internets of me and a copy of "Urban Nomad." (Courtesy of Michael Pinto of

Allan's also got a great photo journal of the day on his blog, as well as a write up on his book "Things I've Seen at Shows" in SF weekly!

Thanks to my fantastic table buddies and everyone who stopped by to say hi! You guys are all awesome!

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Sunday, June 01, 2008

MoCCA preview!

Sorry the photo quality's not great, but here are my bookmark proofs for the MoCCA Art Festival this Saturday and Sunday (June 7-8). I'll be selling these in sets of three (the image on the far right is the back of each). My new 20 page comic Urban Nomad will also be debuting and I'll have copies of my minicomic Counter Attack and a NY sketchbook. Come say hi to table S6 in the Skylight Ballroom where I'll be sitting with the amazing team of Allan Norico, Nelson Diaz and Liam Murray!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

NMSD #14

I just got word that another anthology I contributed to early this year is now available! Check out Not My Small Diary #14, my comic is in book 1! I'm awaiting my copy in the mail, so here's an image courtesy of editor Delaine Derry Green:

And here's a panel excerpt from "Subway Date" which will also be in my comic "Urban Nomad" debuting at MoCCA on June 7-8 in NYC.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Graduate

My sister just finished Grad school with a degree in Medical Anthropology! I'm so proud of her and am also glad I made the trip out to surprise her and my Mom.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

I flew out to Arizona to surprise my Mom and sister! It's been a fast and fun couple of days, but I'll be flying back to the city tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


I've been wanting to paint the Italian deli on my street while the white trees were in bloom. I'm glad I did this last Sunday, the trees have already turned green.

Also, if you're in NYC this weekend, you should check out the ASIFA-East Animation Festival. Sunday May 4th at 6 pm The New School-Tishman Auditorium (66 W 12th St)

Saturday, April 26, 2008

TRUE collaborative art

Allan and I went to a party hosted by my friends at Planet of the Grapes in the basement of a church in Harlem last night. We met an artist named Omar who was doing live painting and invited us to join in. Once Pedro arrived at the party, he sketched out the lovely lady and we all painted it. I haven't painted on a large scale in years, and it was a blast.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Happy Earth Day!

I had an elaborate plan for art leading up to Earth Day, which of course did not come to pass this time around. I was busy at work on my comics for MoCCA this weekend, and I thought this excerpt would be a passable replacement.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Friday at the NY comicon

Hey guys,

A little last minute, but I'll be at the NY Comicon on Friday (today!) at 7 pm signing "The Girls' Guide to Guys' Stuff" at the Friends of Lulu table #840

Stop by and say hi if you're at the con on Friday!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Walking baby

I saw this unusual sight on my walk to work the other day. Only in NY.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Sketchcrawl #18

At the Central Park Zoo, Saturday March 29th.

Thursday, March 20, 2008


I went to a comic symposium over the weekend and sketched during some of the panels.

You can read some more of my thoughts on the event on my LJ.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Disney-Tea Therapy

The last of the sketches from my journey on the road to wellness for now.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Another sketch from my journey on the road to wellness.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Midnight Grapefruit Massacre

I'm still battling a head cold. This is from a sketch I did about a month ago when I wasn't sick, just eating grapefruit vampiricly at night.

Friday, February 22, 2008

The model last night was great

I think this was the best one of the night. I was just trying to push his proportions.

1 minute gestures:

I was using a dried out Pitt artist brush pen dipped in Brown India Ink. Aside from the constant dipping, it was fun.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Goodbye Grant

I found out yesterday that my once co-worker and generally great guy passed away about a month ago. Grant Sligh worked next to me at my first full time job and gave me countless tips on Flash in his Scottish accent. We both tended to arrive at work about half an hour after everyone else. He admonished me for never hearing of the Pogues. When he was buying his beloved scooter, he'd give me daily updates on which model he was looking at. He also gave me some priceless words on animation in New York part of which I actually included in a comic published last year in Not My Small Diary #13.

I picture him donning his helmet, getting onto his vespa and riding into the sunset wearing a three piece suit. Grant was one of a kind, and he'll be missed.

There's a celebration of Grant's life planned for Wednesday February 27th, 7:30 pm at Botanica 47 E. Houston (bet. Green and Mott St.) NYC
Won't you come by and lift a pint for him?

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Sketch a character from "The Office"

Pat Lewis started a brilliant Flickr pool for sketches of characters from "The Office." Here's my version of Gareth from the original series. Feel free to draw one and add it to the group!

Monday, February 04, 2008

Happy Birthday Evan!

My brother turns 21 today...and I painted this for him. It's a scene from Cape Cod where we used to vacation.