
Monday, November 30, 2009

some more sketches from Game X

Here's a rare example of my sketchbook as is, no editing of drawings from one page to another.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Turkey Day!

It's especially happy for them if you don't eat one! :)

Monday, November 23, 2009

Sketchcrawl # 25- Chelsea Market

An ink and watercolor sketch at the Chelsea Market.

A group of about 25 met up and we had a great day drawing there and at the Highline Park. I have a photo set here.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Pushing the pose

Two drawings from a 4 minute pose last week. I like trying to get the gesture down quickly so sometimes 4 minutes is too long. In this case, I did the bottom drawing first and then realized I could push it further. Upon further analysis, I realized the model was actually jutting her head out much more than I'd drawn. I suddenly remembered Walt Stanchfield's notes and his observation that most people tend to "straighten up" the pose. Guilty as charged. I've got to finish reading through his books.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Sketchcrawl #25

A little painting I did in the car ride back from Philly a few weeks ago in my 3.5 x 5.5 sketchbook.

Speaking of which, if you like sketching you should come to Sketchcrawl this coming Saturday November 21st. If you're in NYC we're meeting in front of the Chelsea Wine Vault at the Chelsea Market at 11 am.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

King Con was great!

Thanks to everyone who stopped by our table!

Here's a little post con write-up I did if you're interested.

I'm going to be changing up my blog posting schedule a bit starting next week. I'll still be posting sketches twice a week, but moving them to Monday and Friday mornings. I've also been working on a little essay on freelance animation that I'll be posting each Wednesday until it's finished.

Last week my friends Amy and Kazu became new parents!

Thursday, November 05, 2009

King Con

King Con is this Saturday and Sunday at the Brooklyn Lyceum. No word on table assignments at the moment, but Allan and I will be in the directory. In addition to Urban Nomad 2, I'll have copies of Urban Nomad 1, Counter Attack 1 & 2, sets of circus bookmarks, Darjeeling Limited mini postcards and packs of 3 Holiday card designs. Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Urban Nomad # 2 preview!

Look what I just got in the mail this past weekend! Allan and I will be at King Con this Saturday and Sunday (Nov 7 & 8) so you should stop by and check them out in person!

Here's a sample page! This issue contains 10 brand new stories from my life in NYC. Click the image to make larger.

I cleaned up the paypal links to the right and added some preview links to Counter Attack as well as my bookmarks. Check it out!