
Monday, August 23, 2010

Mondays mean Adventure Time!

I drew this a few months ago when we still had cable and Monday nights were for watching Adventure Time. Also, Happy Birthday to the numerous people I know who celebrated this weekend or today!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Anime fans

Some people from the Rockville Centre library a few weeks ago. The girl on the left was a Sailor Moon character. The girl on the right reminded me of one of the characters in "Skim." If you haven't read it, it's a beautifully drawn and captivatingly written book.

Monday, August 16, 2010

some collected doodles

I do this sort of stuff as warm ups, all on one sheet. Generally most of them aren't too memorable, so I collect the ones that I think are interesting for the blog.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Dino exhibit

Last month Allan and I went to the Museum of Natural History with his niece and nephew. It's been a long time since I visited the dinosaurs.

Also, guess what movie comes out today?!
Scott Pilgrim 6 and Cubecrafts
I hope I have a chance to see it this weekend. I still haven't seen Toy Story 3.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

more from 7-15

I really enjoyed having a curvy model that night.

Monday, August 09, 2010

Garden watercolors

Two watercolors from The Queens Botanical Garden art day I hosted back at the end of June. It was a hot afternoon, but a few brave souls came out to draw and paint that day.

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

A musical post

I was inspired by Tegan singing with Against Me in this amazing video of Borne on the FM Waves of the Heart. I listen this to on repeat at least once a week.

Speaking of music, almost 5 years ago this cute guy gave me a CD of The Arcade Fire's "Funeral" album on our first date. Who'd guess that now we're going to see them play together for the first time tonight?!

Monday, August 02, 2010

Kid on the Q 28 bus

I found a bunch of sketchbook pro doodles I did from memory last month.