
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Pumpkin time

So I decided what I wanted to carve into my pumpkin...Pangur Ban from The Secret of Kells! This was my first time carving a pumpkin like this instead of the traditional way and I ended up using a sculpting tool I found in my art box. I think it turned out rather well for a pumpkin that's already starting to go south. (It was sitting above my radiator for a week.) It will probably be soup by next week. But for now it looks at me from the table.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Happy Halloween!

A little pen doodle I painted up in Photoshop for the occasion. Now to figure out what to carve in my pumpkin...

Monday, October 25, 2010

Urban Nomad #3

So I mentioned in a previous post that my original theme of Central Park didn't seem to fit in that well with my earlier issues. So here are thumbnails of the final cover theme: Coney Island!

Partially inked cover

Final color in Photoshop

You can pick up Urban Nomad #3 (in addition to my other comics) at King Con November 6 & 7 at the Brooklyn Lyceum!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I did 2 little paintings for the last 6x6 show at the Charmingwall Gallery in NYC. Here are some photos I took along the way. I'll post up the final pictures soon.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A couple old doodles

Brush pen sketches from August.

And a brushpen/digital paint combo.

Sketchcrawl #29 is this Saturday. Check out the forum to see where the nearest one to you is!

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Cover thumbnails

Here are some thumbnails of my initial sketches for the covers of Urban Nomad #3. I was going with a Central Park theme, specifically Bethesda Fountain on the front cover and Belvedere Castle on the back.

Allan thought, rightly so, this didn't quite match the city theme of the earlier issues, so I went back to the drawing board. I'm really happy I did and am very pleased with the theme I decided on for the finals.

I'll be at NYCC this Saturday! I don't have a table, but I'll be milling around and will definitely be at this panel which Allan is a part of on Saturday from 4-5 pm Room 1A23. I also might, might have a preview copy of Urban Nomad 3 with me! Woo hoo!