
Monday, November 29, 2010

One and two minute drawings

I finally had a weeknight open to attend life drawing class at the end of November.

Friday, November 26, 2010

King Con 1

As promised, here are some brush pen sketches from the first day at King Con.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Rear window

I did a quick watercolor study a week or so ago before the leaves fell from the colorful tree behind our apartment. We don't have the greatest view, but at least the trees give a slice of the natural world before they shed their colors.

And just so I don't miss it, Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you can celebrate surrounded by family and friends this week.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Pac Man

If you know any Filipinos (especially if you're dating one) you know who Manny Pacquiao is. Saturday night Allan and I were at his parents house to watch the fight. I'm not a big fan of violence and as a kid was particularly squeamish. Yet I sit and watch and draw the opening fights before the final one where Mom will scream loud enough to scare the cat and Dad awake.

Today is my sweetie's birthday and he's also speaking tonight at the Graphic Artist's Guild!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Zinesters Guide to NYC

A lil review of the release party is over here.

Also, if you're sad you missed out on the fun, fear not! There is another live reading scheduled for Sunday December 5 from 7-8:30 pm at Bluestockings Books (172 Allen Street between Stanton and Rivington) There will be a vegetarian potluck and contributors will be reading from their own zines and comics! Here's the Facebook invite if you're so inclined.

Things have been crazy busy, but I'll try to get some sketches up on the blog by the end of the week.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Yay King Con!

Thanks to everyone who came out to say hi and especially those who bought a book!

I wrote up a little review of the con and posted some more photos here.

EDIT: Allan and I also got a mention on The Beat and Comicsgirl! Thanks Heidi and Eden, glad you enjoyed the books!

Tuesday, November 09, 2010


This Thursday November 11th from 7-8:30 pm is the release party for the Zinesters Guide to New York at the Housing Works Bookstore Cafe! Written by Lower East Side resident and zine-maker Ayun Halliday, the book features art and reviews by some local artists, including myself! The guide has an endorsement from none other than Stephen Colbert, so that alone should be reason to check it out!

There will be live music by The Bushwick Bookclub, a live reading from the guide and a mini zine fair where you can pick up mini comics and zines from the contributors. I'll have some issues of Counter Attack with me (and possibly Urban Nomad 3 if you'd like to pick one up and speak up in the comments). All food and drink purchases benefit Housing Works in the fight against homelessness and AIDS.

Housing Works is located at 126 Crosby St (below Houston)

If you're not in NYC, you can still pick up the book online from Microcosm Publishing, Amazon or Powells. I'm so excited to see how it turned out and hope to see some familiar faces on Thursday!

Monday, November 08, 2010

Charmingwall reception!

The Charmingwall Gallery reception on Friday was INSANE! I couldn't believe how many people were lined up on the sidewalk to get a peek at the final 6x6 show! Allan and I were able to squeeze inside for a few minutes to take a look at the variety of artistic styles that covered the walls in the tiny gallery. If you get a chance to check it out, I highly recommend it. There are quite a number of good pieces in the show which is up until the beginning of December.

Friday, November 05, 2010

King Con this weekend!!

Allan and I will be sharing a table at King Con at The Brooklyn Lyceum from 11 am to 7 pm this Saturday and Sunday! Come out, say hi, maybe take a look through Urban Nomad 3...

A quick shout-out to my peeps at The Village Copier who did a phenomenal job delivering my babies! New York City made, all the way!

I'll also have some sample pages from Cooking Up Comics for those of you who have been so patient with me getting a webcomic off the ground.

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

King Con this weekend!

Thumbnails for the back and interior covers of Urban Nomad #3

I'm pretty happy with how the back cover came out.

Oh what the heck: Here's a preview of the first page!

Come by my table at King Con this weekend and say hi to Allan and I!

Monday, November 01, 2010

Final Cupcake paintings

Here are the last few process photos I took a few weeks ago. I haven't painted in oils since I took a class in art school. I still prefer watercolors, but there is something nice about the juicy paint and applying it to the canvas.

You can come see these two little guys at the last 6x6 Gallery Show at the Charmingwall Gallery. The artist reception is this Friday and the show runs through December 5th. They will also be available to view and to buy from the 6x6 website if you can't make it out to the gallery!