
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Bride of the 6 Train

Another memory subway sketch from back in March. This woman's hair and color scheme were just amazing.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Sketchcrawl: Museum of Natural History

Sketchcrawl #31 was on Saturday and because it was raining, I drew at the Museum of Natural History instead of the zoo. Most of the animal exhibits were super crowded so I wandered around to the Mexican and South American exhibits to draw some awesome anthropomorphic pottery.

(I also drew outside for a bit which is why my ink got smeary.)

Thank you so much to my friends and family who sponsored my Sketchcrawl to benefit Give2Asia! I raised $160 for the earthquake and tsunami relief fund for Japan. You can check out other drawings from around the world here.

Sunday, April 17, 2011


In case you don't follow me on twitter, here's a link to my MoCCA write up!

I'll have some of my Sketchcrawl drawings up on Wednesday, so check back for them!

If you weren't able to make it to MoCCA, my comics are available here! I'm also contemplating making them available for digital download.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

On Spring Street

While on my lunch break a few weeks ago, I saw this little boy walking with his parents and first thought, "cute bear hat!" Then as I got closer, I realized it was a whole bear (or is it a monkey?) SUIT and that the "tail" was actually a child leash. These parents are teaching their child shame at 4 years old. I'm not a parent, but if your kid is old enough to walk, he's probably too old for a full animal outfit if it's not Halloween. But that's just my opinion. And it did make for a funny drawing.

Thanks so much to everyone who came out to the MoCCA Festival this past weekend! It was great to see familiar fans, chat with past coworkers and to meet new readers and internet friends. I'm still going through all the awesome comics and books I picked up. Hopefully I will have a con review and photos online over the weekend. I'm at a new job, so blog posts will be once a week for a while.

Also, a reminder that Worldwide Sketchcrawl #31 is this coming Saturday April 16th. This one is a benefit drawing marathon for the Japanese tsunami and earthquake relief fund, so here is the donation link for Give2Asia. I was planning for the NYC group to meet at the Bronx Zoo, but if you have alternate suggestions go voice them on the forum! Final meetup location and times will be posted there as well. Also check out the forum for a Sketchcrawl location nearest you!

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

I'll be at the MoCCA Art Festival this Saturday and Sunday!

(postcard art by Peter Kuper)

I'll be at the MoCCA Festival this weekend! I'll be debuting my 4th issue of Counter Attack, vignettes of my two crazy cats. I can't believe it's been six years since I made my first issue on a whim for the San Diego Comic Con. There are less than 20 copies of Counter Attack #1 left, so this may be your last chance to pick it up as a mini comic.

I will also have issues 1-3 of Urban Nomad. Issue #3 debuted as a super short run at King Con last fall so I ordered a few more copies for MoCCA.

There will also be buttons, bookmarks and less than 5 copies of The Zinesters Guide to NYC which I did a number of illustrations for. So again, be an early bird if you want to pick that up, or you can order it online from the publisher here.

In addition, all sales of my cute food art prints and original watercolors will be donated to the earthquake and tsunami relief fund in Japan via Give2Asia.

So stop by table H7 and say hello to Allan and I!
(Click to make the map larger!)

MoCCA Festival at the Lexington Avenue Armory
April 9th & 10th
11 am to 6 pm
68 Lexington Ave (between 25th and 26th St.) NYC
$12 for the day, $20 for the weekend (advance tickets are $10/day and $15/weekend)

Also, are you a lady who reads, draws, writes, or reports on comics? Come out to the Drink and Draw Like a Lady party on Friday night (7-10:30 pm) at 192 Books! Here's the Facebook RSVP if you wanna take a look.

(postcard art by Tara Abbamondi

Monday, April 04, 2011

Scarf dog in Flushing

A couple Saturdays ago Allan and I saw a man walking two dogs. One had a doggie coat on and the other had a scarf wrapped around him like a coat. I drew him from memory the next day and gave him a quick color pass.

Also, my little sister turns 30 today! Happy Birthday Kelly! I'm glad Mom didn't listen to me and "return you" when we were little.