
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Kale Chips

One of my favorite snack recipes is up today at Cooking Up Comics: Kale Chips!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Twice Baked Potatoes

Twice Baked Potatoes were always one of my favorites when I was growing up. Now you can learn to make them too with this weeks' Cooking Up Comics recipe!

Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Roasted Brussel Sprouts Recipe Comic

There is a delicious recipe for the much ignored Brussel Sprout over at Cooking Up Comics today. I'm also looking for more guest comics which will start running in March! More details at the site.

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Parisian Hot Chocolate

Happy New Year! There is a new recipe for Parisian Hot Chocolate up at Cooking Up Comics! I also posted some comparison art from 2010 from this recipe on the site.