
Monday, November 25, 2013

Green Bean Casserole and donations to the Philippines

I decided to split the difference from missing last week due to a crazy workload and post the next recipe today instead of this Wednesday. I've also compiled a handy list of links to my Thanksgiving friendly recipes in this weeks' post. So head over to Cooking Up Comics to check it out!

Don't forget that I'm also donating the proceeds from my online comic sales to the Red Cross to aid the Philippines until December 16th! Over $50 has been raised so far and I would love to make it an even $100 by the 16th! If comics aren't your thing, please consider donating directly to the Red Cross or another reputable charity to aid the Philippines.

Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Hanukkah!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

My online sales this month to aid Philippines

Everyone does holiday sales. But this year instead of offering free shipping, I've decided to donate the proceeds from my online sales from Nov 16th- Dec 16th to the Red Cross to help aid the Philippines recover from Typhoon Haiyan.

My husband's parents are from the Philippines and luckily their family and friends are all safe after the typhoon hit. But I want to help out the thousands of people who were affected even if it is a relatively small gesture.

Thanks for reading this and for considering giving the gift of self-published comics to your loved ones and benefiting those in need at the same time.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Vegetarian Stuffing

Getting in the mood for Thanksgiving dinner at Cooking Up Comics with a recipe for Vegetarian Stuffing!

Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Homemade Applesauce

There's a delicious new recipe comic for Homemade Applesauce today at Cooking Up Comics!