
Friday, January 31, 2014

My Witchsona

The lovely Brittney Sabo came up with this idea over on twitter and I've finally finished mine for witch week. It ended up a bit more tall traveling hobbit than witch, but that's what happens when you work on a sketch over a few nights. Check out the #witchsona tag over on twitter, so many amazing witch sketches!

The Collected Counter Attack!

Hello and Happy New Year! I've been away from the blog for a little bit but I've been busy organizing my next major comic project. Don't worry, I'll be back to Cooking Up Comics soon.

In the meantime, I'm excited to announce that my Kickstarter campaign launches today for The Collected Counter Attack! I'm raising funds to collect the 5 existing issues of my cat comic series along with 3 new issues worth of work into a pretty hardcover book. Please check out my campaign video and consider donating to help make this a reality. If funds are tight, please share my campaign with friends. It helps to spread the word! Thanks!