
Sunday, February 23, 2014

Final hours of The Collected Counter Attack! Kickstarter!

We're in the final 24 hours of The Collected Counter Attack! Kickstarter and we're only $45 away from another stretch goal: a cat sticker sheet for everyone above the $20 reward tier! Thank you to everyone who has pledged and spread the word. I can't wait to get these books to the printer in the next couple of weeks!

Also if you're in NYC, you might want to check out the NYC Vegetarian Food Festival next weekend. I'll be walking around and might do a comic review of my experience like I did last year with the Just Food Conference.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Announcing stretch goals for The Collected Counter Attack!

Thanks to everyone who has pledged so far, it looks like The Collected Counter Attack has passed its' funding goal! I announced a few stretch goals this afternoon and a new digital tier for additional cat avatars. Only a few days left to reserve your own copy of this 180 page hardcover cat comic. Funding ends this Monday February 24th at noon (eastern time)!

Monday, February 17, 2014

New interview about The Collected Counter Attack!

I did an interview with Rob from Panel Patter last week and it's up on the site now! He asks some questions about the Collected Counter Attack and some of my other work as well. My interview is here.

We're in the last week of the Kickstarter for The Collected Counter Attack! Thanks so much to everyone who has contributed so far and helped to spread the word. The campaign ends next Monday at noon, so now is the perfect time to check out the partially animated video I made for it if you haven't already.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Happy Veggie Valentine's Day!

I painted some cute fruit and veggie valentines that I hope will hold you over for a bit longer. I don't mind if you share these online, but please link back to or!

There are still a few days left to pledge to The Collected Counter Attack! I'm at the halfway point of funding and still appreciate everyone sharing the link with your friends who like cats. Thanks so much to everyone who has donated so far! If the campaign is successful, I'm considering doing a Kickstarter to print a Cooking Up Comics book...

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

11 days left!

Aww Moe and Fidget were being friends this morning! A reminder that there are only 11 days left to pledge to make The Collected Counter Attack a nice hardcover book! It won't happen if we don't reach our funding goal!

Friday, February 07, 2014

New Kickstarter update

I posted an update with some before and after photos of new panel art for The Collected Counter Attack!

Go check it out! Here's a peek at one of them:

Sunday, February 02, 2014

Hourly Comics Day 2014

Yesterday was Hourly Comics Day! I actually left the house this year and met up with some old and new friends in the city. I ended up doing a sort of combination Sketchcrawl day since we drew at the zoo. I scanned these in but didn't really clean them up at all aside from using an eraser, so they look pretty much exactly like they do in my sketchbook. Enjoy!