
Saturday, November 29, 2014

Online comics sale through Monday December 1st!

Check out the Holiday sale in my online shop! Sale runs through the end of the day Monday December 1st. Order by December 15th to guarantee delivery by Christmas. Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving and a good start to the holiday season.

Friday, November 07, 2014

The Collected Counter Attack! hardcover book is now available!

I've spent most of this month sending out copies of The Collected Counter Attack! to all of my Kickstarter backers. That means that the hardcover book is now available in my online shop if you missed the campaign or just want to spread the cat comics love. You can also get a cute 4 inch cat sticker from the shop and a bundle of my auto-biographical Urban Nomad comics. The Collected Counter Attack! will be available at a special sale price until the end of November, perfect for the holiday gift season.

Friday, October 31, 2014

Ah, Fall!

I haven't posted an actual sketch here in a while, so here you go. It's getting cold in New York so today I broke out my warm scarf to walk to the post office. My whole outfit felt very Fall so I decided to draw it when I got home. And now I realize it matches my blog banner and that I haven't changed my clothes much in two years. Ah the artist lifestyle! But I am excited that I finally ordered a new winter coat for the first time in probably 5 years. I hope it fits because it looks like I'll need it next week. Hope you all have a Happy Halloween!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Locust Moon Comics Festival this Saturday

My last scheduled comics event for 2014 is this Saturday at the Locust Moon Comics Festival! It will be held at The Rotunda (4014 Walnut Street) in Philadelphia from 10 am to 6 pm on Saturday October 25th. They have a really great looking lineup of artists attending. And here is their Facebook events page if you're interested in that sort of thing. Hope to see you there!

Monday, October 06, 2014

Another great time at MICE

Thanks so much to everyone who came out to MICE this weekend! In the 6 years I've been doing conventions on a regular basis, it was my most successful one yet. I had a great time chatting with people about comics, cats and cooking. The staff, exhibitors and attendees are always so pleasant at this convention. I didn't get to walk around and see everything else as much as I would have liked, but Allan did get this photo of me behind my table while I was setting up.

Wednesday, October 01, 2014

MICE October 4 & 5

Here's a handy floor map of where my table (A43) will be at MICE this weekend. There are a ton of really great looking panels and other events scheduled and it's free to attend! If you're in the Cambridge, MA area this weekend, you should stop by.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Fall Events: MICE and Locust Moon!

I will be exhibiting at MICE (Massachusetts Independent Comics Expo) at Lesley University in Cambridge, Massachusetts on October 4th and 5th. If my books are finally released from customs, I'll have copies of The Collected Counter Attack! along with cat buttons and stickers, all 4 issues of Urban Nomad, and the full color Cooking Up Comics recipe sampler. It's free to attend and a great chance to meet your favorite comic authors and artists.

I will also be tabling at the Locust Moon Comics Festival at The Rotunda in Philadelphia, PA on Saturday October 25th. This event is donation based and kids under 13 are free. I will have all the merch mentioned above.

If you're in the Boston area or Philly please come say hi at one of these events! I love meeting my readers, and it's especially nice to meet my Kickstarter backers.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Pete's Mini Zine Fest this Saturday

If you're in New York, come out to Pete's Mini Zine Fest this Saturday July 26th from 2 pm-7pm. I will be tabling with a bunch of other local writers and artists and selling copies of Urban Nomad, Cooking Up Comics and my mini zines. Come have a beer at Pete's Candy Store (709 Lorimer St. Williamsburg Brooklyn) and check out all the neat local art. There is also a live reading at the same location on Friday evening to kick off the weekend!

(This year's flyer was drawn by Mindy Indy)

If you can't make it out to Brooklyn (darn you G train!), you can always buy my comics from Big Cartel and a digital PDF of The Collected Counter Attack on Gumroad. Urban Nomad is also available at Carmine Street Comics and Bluestockings in NYC, Quimby's in Chicago, Locust Moon Comics in Philadelphia, and Big Planet Comics in DC.

Friday, July 04, 2014

The Collected Counter Attack! now available on Gumroad

Happy 4th of July! To everyone who backed my Kickstarter for the Collected Counter Attack!, the digital PDF was sent out to you this week. And for anyone who missed the Kickstarter, it's also available on Gumroad at a special sale price until the end of the day on Monday July 7th. I'll also have the link to the right on the blog for future reference.

Friday, June 06, 2014


I recently directed, designed and animated a TED Ed piece written by Damon Brown with Augenblick Studios. You can watch it on the TED Ed site as well.

Monday, June 02, 2014

A Quick Spring Update

It's been a busy Spring with finishing up the layout for The Collected Counter Attack! and also taking on some freelance animation work. This past week was BEA (Book Expo America) in NYC where there were preview copies of a book I colored last year. Publisher First Second has some great photos and a short post about it on their blog.

(Photo from First Second's blog)

"The Stratford Zoo Midnight Revue Presents Macbeth" is written by Ian Lendler and drawn by Zack Giallongo. I'm so excited to be a part of this book series! (PS I did not color the front cover but it's pretty great!) I'm currently coloring the second book in the series. Back to work!

Monday, April 07, 2014

MoCCA 2014 review

MoCCA weekend was a blast. Friday we had a very successful Drink and Draw Like a Lady party despite the terrible weather. I think we had a record turnout or at least equal to last years' party. I was too busy running around to take any photos, but Lisa Aurigemma helped out as our official event photographer so I'll link to hers once they are up. Thanks once again to Work Made for Hire who co-sponsored the party and to everyone who donated a few dollars, food and drinks and their time to making the party awesome!

The convention itself was also great and my most successful to date! I took last year off after somewhat dismal sales in 2012 and planning my wedding in the beginning of 2013. But the Society of Illustrators seems to have taken complaints from the past to heart and lowered the entrance fee to $5 which I think had a LOT to do with the increased foot traffic this year. It seemed like the curtain dividers between the tables also made the armory less cavernous.

The giant Charlie Brown balloon was a topic of discussion and photos of it took over my Instagram and Twitter feeds.

There were little pop-up galleries right near the entrance which I didn't get nearly enough time to explore.

I'm totally going to grab a photo of my table mate Alison Wilgus and I from the MoCCA review at Comics Worth Reading since I didn't get any with my camera phone.

Speaking of Comics Worth Reading, Johanna Draper Carlson purchased the very first copy of Cooking Up Comics in print!

I gave away a bunch of stickers to backers of The Collected Counter Attack! who were all so nice and interested in the progress of the book. A number of Cooking Up Comics readers stopped by to say hello and it was nice to hear people mentioning that they'd seen my work in the wild at Bluestockings Bookstore or that we'd met at another convention in another city. I also saw a lot of Sketchcrawlers and former animation co-workers who I haven't seen in years. I got a surprise visit from Ashley, my print specialist from Print Ninja who was here all the way from Chicago! Print Ninja is the company that will be printing The Collected Counter Attack!

Cartoonists and friend stopping by on Sunday including Patricia Burgess, Steve Flack and Zack Giallongo.

It's always great to meet fellow cartoonists in real life that I know online like Connie Sun, Ashley Quigg, Evan Palmer and Alina Chau. I also got to meet several Twitter friends including Carlos who was rocking an awesome Cat Bus shirt:

MoCCA this year was also a great showcase for new talent by soon-to-graduate cartoonists like Olga Andreyeva, (aaa I don't remember your name!), Molly Ostertag and out of town talent like Philadelphia cartoonist Carey Pietsch who drew the wonderful DDLL poster this year. Sorry about the blurry photo ladies!

The very stylish Emma T Capps who is not only a cartoonist but designed and made her own outfits for the convention!

It was lovely to chat with my fellow vegetarian Cliodhna Lyons who had an adorable accordion book of dragons among other works and came all the way from the UK.

I didn't get away from the table much on Saturday, so I did a quick round or two on Sunday to say hello. I met Sung Yoon Choi who does cooking comics of Korean-American dishes!

Jennifer Hayden and Glynnis Fawkes' table.

More Queens-based cartoonists! Ashley Quigg, Patricia Burgess and Daniel Vasquez.

Marguerite Dabaie with her great patterned pillows and coasters and comics about the silk road.

Cary Pietsch and Claire Folkman at the Dirty Diamonds table. Go check out their Kickstarter for a women's comic anthology!

And finally, my trades and comic purchases from the weekend. I had a really small spending budget this year but I'm quite happy with what I got. I also had a few short interviews at the convention, I'll link to them when they're online. Thanks again to everyone who stopped by and especially to those who bought comics!

Thursday, April 03, 2014

MoCCA Fest this weekend!

What is it about an impending deadline that makes you want to give yourself MORE work?! Well I decided at the end of last week to put together a short print run of Cooking Up Comics for MoCCA Fest this weekend (April 5th & 6th).

The comics are full color, about 9x7 inches, 12 pages long and include 3 recipes from the site. I plan to give some of them to publishers and sell the rest at Table H9 where I will be both Saturday and Sunday. I have a handful of Cooking Up Comics magnets left which I will probably not be reprinting any time soon. And of course my Urban Nomad comics, new cat stickers and a bunch of free Cooking Up Comics bookmarks. So come say hi!

Here's a photo of the comic proof I approved yesterday. I think they're going to look pretty classy!

I also got my first convention banner in the mail today! Thanks to my husband Allan for helping me figure out what to do with the name plate design. Pretty excited to debut the banner at my MoCCA table this weekend!

Come visit Alison Wilgus and I at the south side of the Armory (68 Lexington Ave bet. 25th and 26th St.) at Table H9 this weekend! Entry is $5 per day, the convention is open from 11 am to 6 pm. And if you're a woman who enjoys comics, come out to Drink & Draw Like a Lady this Friday at 7pm. RSVP at the event's Facebook page.

Monday, March 31, 2014

MoCCA Fest and Drink & Draw Like a Lady this weekend!

MoCCA is my home town comic show and I'll be there this weekend at table H9 with my friend Alison Wilgus. I'll have copies of my other self-published comics like Urban Nomad, mini zines about freelancing and shuttered music venues, and Cooking Up Comics magnets. I will also have some new cat stickers from The Collected Counter Attack!

If any of you are in New York, I would love to meet you in person!

I'm also helping organize the Drink and Draw Like a Lady party which is a women in comics event on Friday April 4th. If you are a woman who enjoys comics, please stop by The Productive (an awesome, woman-owned, co-working space) starting at 7 pm. The beautiful art for this years' flyer was done by Carey Pietsch and the party is sponsored in part by Work Made for Hire (Creative business advice for creative people).

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Final hours of The Collected Counter Attack! Kickstarter!

We're in the final 24 hours of The Collected Counter Attack! Kickstarter and we're only $45 away from another stretch goal: a cat sticker sheet for everyone above the $20 reward tier! Thank you to everyone who has pledged and spread the word. I can't wait to get these books to the printer in the next couple of weeks!

Also if you're in NYC, you might want to check out the NYC Vegetarian Food Festival next weekend. I'll be walking around and might do a comic review of my experience like I did last year with the Just Food Conference.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Announcing stretch goals for The Collected Counter Attack!

Thanks to everyone who has pledged so far, it looks like The Collected Counter Attack has passed its' funding goal! I announced a few stretch goals this afternoon and a new digital tier for additional cat avatars. Only a few days left to reserve your own copy of this 180 page hardcover cat comic. Funding ends this Monday February 24th at noon (eastern time)!

Monday, February 17, 2014

New interview about The Collected Counter Attack!

I did an interview with Rob from Panel Patter last week and it's up on the site now! He asks some questions about the Collected Counter Attack and some of my other work as well. My interview is here.

We're in the last week of the Kickstarter for The Collected Counter Attack! Thanks so much to everyone who has contributed so far and helped to spread the word. The campaign ends next Monday at noon, so now is the perfect time to check out the partially animated video I made for it if you haven't already.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Happy Veggie Valentine's Day!

I painted some cute fruit and veggie valentines that I hope will hold you over for a bit longer. I don't mind if you share these online, but please link back to or!

There are still a few days left to pledge to The Collected Counter Attack! I'm at the halfway point of funding and still appreciate everyone sharing the link with your friends who like cats. Thanks so much to everyone who has donated so far! If the campaign is successful, I'm considering doing a Kickstarter to print a Cooking Up Comics book...

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

11 days left!

Aww Moe and Fidget were being friends this morning! A reminder that there are only 11 days left to pledge to make The Collected Counter Attack a nice hardcover book! It won't happen if we don't reach our funding goal!

Friday, February 07, 2014

New Kickstarter update

I posted an update with some before and after photos of new panel art for The Collected Counter Attack!

Go check it out! Here's a peek at one of them:

Sunday, February 02, 2014

Hourly Comics Day 2014

Yesterday was Hourly Comics Day! I actually left the house this year and met up with some old and new friends in the city. I ended up doing a sort of combination Sketchcrawl day since we drew at the zoo. I scanned these in but didn't really clean them up at all aside from using an eraser, so they look pretty much exactly like they do in my sketchbook. Enjoy!

Friday, January 31, 2014

My Witchsona

The lovely Brittney Sabo came up with this idea over on twitter and I've finally finished mine for witch week. It ended up a bit more tall traveling hobbit than witch, but that's what happens when you work on a sketch over a few nights. Check out the #witchsona tag over on twitter, so many amazing witch sketches!