
Sunday, July 23, 2017

Electric City Comic Con recap

It's been a few weeks, but I wanted to do a quick write up of my day at the Electric City Comic Con in Schenectady, NY! I had a delightful time at this small library con that seemed to pull in the entire local community. Nearly everyone was in costume or at very least, wearing their favorite superhero t-shirt. I met lots of enthusiastic young readers and made a few new cartooning friends as well.

I also participated in my very first live drawing contest...and won! My fellow artists Crispin Wood and Shane Moore were formidable opponents for the Storytelling Showdown. Gregg Schigiel was an excellent MC and mastermind of the game along with Leah LaFera. Thanks for all of the audience participation, it was a very fun time. My prize was a large chocolate Batman emblem and it was delicious!

Hats off to Leah LaFera, head librarian at the Schenectady County Public Library and all the volunteers who made the third year of this not-so-little con a success.

You can see more photos over at ECCC's Facebook page and marvel over all the excellent costumes of the day.

One of the women who bought my "Cooking Up Comics" mini is a personal chef and blogged about making my kale salad recipe with a few small modifications, here it is! Thanks, Chef Jen of Dinner Vacations!

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Electric City Comic Con July 8th

On Saturday July 8th, I will be at the Electric City Comic Con at the Schenectady County Public Library.

I'll have copies of The Collected Counter Attack!, issues #1-6 of Urban Nomad, Cooking Up Comics, cat buttons and brand new cute veggie stickers.

Come say hello, get some comics and participate in the Storytelling Showdown where I will be competing at 10:30 am! It's my last scheduled con appearance for 2017, so hope to see you there.

Monday, March 27, 2017

MoCCA Fest April 1 & 2nd

I'm excited to be tabling at MoCCA Fest in NYC this coming weekend. I'll be on the first floor at table C140 with Ellen Lindner.

The latest issue of Urban Nomad (#6!) will be hot off the press at the fest. I will also have the Cooking Up Comics sampler, The Collected Counter Attack!, cat buttons and mini comics. Come check it out, there are a ton of awesome artists and great programming in store.

Here's a peek at the wraparound cover for Urban Nomad #6: Bet you can't guess what this entire issue is about...

MoCCA Fest
Saturday April 1 & Sunday April 2
11 am to 6 pm
$5 entry

Metropolitan West
639 West 46th Street
between 11th and 12th Avenues

Also, if you identify as a woman, please stop by the annual Drink and Draw Like a Lady party at The Productive on Friday March 31st from 7pm-11pm. Here is the Facebook event page if you'd like to RSVP. This years' awesome flyer was made by Kat Fajardo and is once again sponsored in part by Work Made for Hire.

Hope to see you this weekend!

Saturday, February 04, 2017

Hourly Comic Day 2017

Wow, this is my 10th year of doing Hourly Comic Day! This is the first time that I was at the same full-time job that I was the previous year. I went to a protest after work which meant drawing a crowd, so I cheated and finished inking a few panels on Thursday night. Apologies to friends and co-workers whose likenesses I've mangled.

Hourly comics archive for the very brave:

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Making waves

After the election, I was feeling pretty low. A lot of my peers were as well. I got an email from my friend Lucy with an idea to have a bunch of cartoonists each choose and draw a historical female activist holding a candle or lamp. All of the drawings would be gathered together to create a giant poster full of women who were a light in dark times. The poster is still in progress, but the idea is to donate the proceeds to Planned Parenthood when it is finished and available for purchase.

Here is the drawing I did of Elizabeth Cady Stanton the weekend after the election.

It felt good to move my pen around and make some art happen.

But I didn't really know what else to do to feel like I was making a difference.

In the following months, I donated to the ACLU and Planned Parenthood of NYC.

I signed a bunch of petitions and emailed my representatives.

By working in children's media I am hopeful that my efforts will continue to inspire the youth of tomorrow to learn all they can.

This Saturday I will be marching in NYC in solidarity with the Women's March on Washington.

It doesn't feel like enough, but if each of us takes the time to make a few little waves in our corner of the world, maybe we can make ocean sized waves together.