
Tuesday, April 24, 2018

MoCCA Recap and Alaska Robotics Mini-Con!

I had a really great time at my 10th?! MoCCA Fest this year. Lots of good conversations and catching up with comics friends that I don't see nearly often enough. I was also fortunate to sit next to OG graphic novelist Katherine Arnoldi and soon to be graduates Gabbi Brandini and Avery Storms.

It's always an inspiring weekend and I came home with a number of great comics despite not having much time to explore the convention.

On Sunday of the convention, I talked to Jimmy Aquino for his podcast Comic News Insider. The episode also features Robin Ha of Cook Korean! and Ken Wong of Origami Comics. Give it a listen here.

Photo montage courtesy Jimmy Aquino.

Next up: I'm going to Alaska!
I'll be at the Alaska Robotics Mini-Con this Saturday April 28th. I'm psyched to meet comics enthusiasts of Alaska, see a glacier and camp in the woods with an awesome group of cartoonists.

Here's a felt banner I made last weekend since I'm trying to travel light and will be sans regular-sized convention banner.