
Monday, February 19, 2007

Field Guide to a Hardcore Show

This is a comic I finished in December that will be in the Friends of Lulu Anthology "The Girls Guide to Guy Stuff" coming soon to a con near you! I've been bogged down with freelance and can't wait till I can draw some of the stuff on my mind!


  1. are you gonna be at ny comic con with this? i really like it! subject matter, inking, drawing style great!!!

    i have a friend in chicago who i think you should totally team up with! she won he xeric a couple years back, i always forget the name of her book though!

  2. wow! that is awesome Alisa. Your style is just perfect. I love it.

    I went to a show like that a while ago, with some old high school buddies. It was a little rough, loud and I almost got hit smack in the face a few times. But I won't forget it!

    You are so cool! I love these comics that you crank out! Good for you. I'm working on my own right now but it's mostly wordless and ..well with my schedule, we will see how far it will get. But so far it has been really really therapeutic.

    Your stuff inspires me to keep going! Keep tellin your stories Alisa!
    (wow is this mushy sounding or what? oh well)

  3. smo- unfortunately, I found out too late that the con was this weekend, so I won't be able to go. But thanks for the compliments! And your comic friend sounds cool.

    bonnie- thanks so much! I always look forward to seeing what you're up to. I've really been inspired by your recent posts too!

  4. awesome Alisa, Did you ink this digitally or by hand? In either case it's very well done. Keep up the good work, and try not to hurt anyone in the pit, I heard you have a mean head-butt!

  5. Fun comic you've done here.
    I think I remember hearing about that particular anthology...and if the stuffs as good a read as this?...I'll be sure to be pick it up.
    Keep up the awesome.

  6. Hey cool! I really like the style.

  7. Nice comics. Am adding a link to your blog on mine,

  8. frickin sweet! Rock on, Alisa!
