
Friday, November 02, 2007

Sketchcrawl this Sunday Nov 4th!

Hello fellow sketchers!

We'll be meeting Sunday November 4 at 11 am on the stairs in front of the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
1000 5th Ave @ 82nd St.

If it's tolerable outside, we may be doing some drawing in Central Park too. We'll be having a few visitors from the west coast, including Pixar artists Ronnie del Carmen and sketchcrawl founder Enrico Casarosa.

If you'll be joining in later in the day, give me a call to see where we are.
(917) 880-2040

Hope to see you sketching!

If you're not in the New York area, check the sketchcrawl forum to see where there may be one organized near you! Or go out sketching on your own!

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