
Thursday, September 17, 2009


I leave my desk for a minute and Fidget takes my chair. She's "helping."

I finished penciling Urban Nomad #2 over the weekend and here's the proof. (Though this was taken while I was figuring out the story order so 3 pages are missing.) For now, you'll just have to wait to see further details.

I also just found out that MoCCA is having an exhibition of Peter Kuper's "Diario de Oaxaca" starting tonight.


  1. Tell that cat to ink some pages...
    Ha ha...but still, its cool that the cat wasn't whetting its claws on your pages...I've had that happen...


  2. cats make great assistants. I miss my old cat from Montreal. looking forward to issue 2

  3. Moe prefers knocking pens onto the floor and batting them around. If only he could learn to scan!

    Phil, issue 2 should be out by early November for King Con in your neck of the woods: Brooklyn!
