
Monday, June 28, 2010

Prochain l'arrêt: Annecy!

I was working on my comic journal while we were on the bus from Geneva to Annecy, so I didn't draw anything in my sketchbook from the first day in Annecy. But here are some photos!

Les calicots pour la festival flotter au-dessus la rue.
(Banners for the festival hang above the street.)

Le linon massif de La Pâquier
(The massive lawn of Pâquier Parc)


Séance au-dehors à "Secret of Kells" en Français à écran grand
(Outdoor screening of "Secret of Kells" in French on the giant screen)

There are some more photos here. I'll be doing a more extensive review of the films I enjoyed, but I have some sudden freelance that has come up as well as previous projects to catch up on.

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