
Monday, March 14, 2011

Brief intermission

I just wanted to bring attention to a few different charity efforts being organized by artists for the relief efforts after the devastating earthquake and tsunami in Japan. I'm sure there are more out there, but these are organized by people I know in some way.

Dice Tsutsumi (art director at Pixar, organizer of the 2008 Totoro Forest Project to help preserve Sayama Forest in Japan and the Sketchtravel Project) has started a page for Give2Asia.

Marty Ito lives in Sapporo which was unaffected by the earthquake, but he is helping raise funds for the earthquake victims. This site is in Japanese, but I figured I'd post it anyway. I drew at the Met with Marty and his wife when they visited the states a few years ago and they are both great artists.

Screenprinting artist Meg Hunt is organizing an art auction to raise money for AmeriCare Japan relief. She is looking for artists to donate art. You can find out more on her tumblr.

If you're able to donate art or your dollars towards any of these charitable causes, please do. Spreading the word also helps. If you know of any other artist organized efforts, feel free to mention them in the comments.

My friends Brian and Lydia are currently teaching in Japan and were luckily not directly affected. Since I probably haven't mentioned it before, they're keeping a neat photo/comic travel blog over here.

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