
Friday, September 23, 2011

Anniversaries this weekend


Due to a rainy weather forecast, Pete's Mini Zine Fest is being rescheduled to NEXT SATURDAY October 1. It will still be from 2pm-7pm at Pete's Candy Store in Brooklyn.
Sorry for any inconvenience.


This Sunday will be two years since Allan and I became official domestic partners!
Here is one page of the six page comic about our day at City Hall. You can read the whole thing in issue 3 of Urban Nomad. (Click to see it larger.)

When I wrote this comic, Prop 8 had just passed in California and I was feeling rather angry about the whole situation. Happily two years later, my home state of New York now acknowledges same sex marriage. Because of this, I'm assuming the role of domestic partnership is going to be short lived in the state. But I haven't heard anything about it regarding our health insurance yet. Anyway, Happy Anniversary of our many anniversaries, Allan!

Sunday is ALSO my little sisters' one year wedding anniversary! Total coincidence that they were the same date, but kind of neat. Happy Anniversary Kelly and Erick!


Final reminder that I'll be at Pete's Mini Zine Fest on Sunday from 2pm-7pm. Pete's Candy Store is at 709 Lorimer St. Brooklyn. I'll have the last of my food buttons, Conan the Librarian prints, copies of Urban Nomad and Counter Attack. There is also a kickoff party on Saturday the 24th from 6PM-8PM featuring live zine readings, comedienne Emily Heller and the band Phil and the Osophers. Full details are on official Facebook invite. Hope to see you there!

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