
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Sketchbook excavations

Things have been crazy busy at work, but I managed to finish up the last pages of my 2011 sketchbook this past week. I was paging through it and found a few sketches that escaped the scanner earlier in the year.

A statue in Washington Square Park last November:

My sister, a lamp post and a random dog wearing a bandana in Flagstaff, AZ:

In other news, if you're in New York this Thursday (March 1st), stop in to celebrate the opening of The Productive! It's a new co-working space my friend Susan has created with digital artists, writers and animators in mind. I donated some of my circus bookmarks as a reward for her successful Kickstarter fund. It's a great way to take a peek at the space if you're interested in joining and meet some fellow artists and other creative types.

Directions and party info can be found here and the official Productive site is here.

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