
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Some more Hawaii sketches

After maneuvering the rental jeep over the rocky, unpaved road and walking across the lava fields, Allan and I spent a lovely afternoon at Makalawena Beach near Kona, Hawaii in May. Some parts of the beach were covered with sand and at other parts, black lava fields reached all the way to the ocean. Only a handful of tourists were there, so it was quiet and a great place to sketch. (Click to make the images larger.)


  1. Jess Simmons9/29/2012 12:29 PM

    Nice! And they have pigeon/chicken-type creatures roaming the beaches there? Sounds ideal to me. :)

  2. I don't know exactly what kind of birds they were, but they were small, tan and plump and reminded me of pigeons. :) Hope all is well with you!
