
Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Pete's Mini Zine Fest Storyteller event this Saturday!

I have one more event planned for this Fall: I'll be reading a story from Urban Nomad this Saturday night as part of the Pete's Mini Zine Fest Storytelling night!

The Pete's Mini Zine Fest crew is proud to kick off its first PMZF Storytelling night, hosted by Pete's Candy Store, Andria Alefhi, and Marguerite Dabaie (who also drew the cool logo above)!

Come hear sundry tales as the creators read their stories live! Featuring:

Ellen Lindner
Jess Ruliffson
Dawn Wing
Cristina Greavu
Alisa Harris

When: Saturday October 5, 2013
Where: Pete's Candy Store (709 Lorimer St, Brooklyn, New York 11211)
The readings will start at 6:45 pm. I don't know what order we'll be reading in, but it should be over by 7:45.

Also check out the Facebook event page if that's your kind of thing. Hope to see you there!

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