
Thursday, July 14, 2016

July is International Zine Month!

I realize things have been quiet here on the blog, so hello! July is International Zine Month. If you don't know what a zine is, here is a definition according to good ol' Wikipedia:

zine (/ˈziːn/ ZEEN; an abbreviation of fanzine or magazine) is most commonly a small circulation self-published work of original or appropriated texts and images usually reproduced via photocopier.

I will once again be tabling at Pete's Mini Zine Fest. PMZF will be held Saturday July 25th from 2 pm to 7 pm at Pete's Candy Store (709 Lorimer St.) in Brooklyn, NY. The flyer for this years' event was created by Joseph Carlough and Katie Haegele. Come drink a beer and buy some zines!

If you're in NY, you can always stop by Bluestockings Bookshop at 172 Allen St. which has a great selection of self-published comics and zines. I just dropped off a fresh batch of Cooking Up Comics samplers last week and took a photo of their display for zine month which includes Urban Nomad!

In other zine news, I caught up with one of my former professors at Kutztown University at MoCCA back in April. A celebrated illustrator himself, Kevin McCloskey included my work in his donation to the brand new KU zine library. Thanks, Kevin!

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